Executive career advice from Dave Opton, founder of ExecuNet.
Dear Dave:
I’ve had great success climbing the corporate ladder for over 15 years at my current organization, but in the wake of some bad financial news the company’s future is now in doubt. Instead of waiting for more bad news, I’ve decided to start searching for new opportunities. While I’m ready to make a move, I’m concerned about searching for a senior management position because I don’t have a college degree. Any thoughts on what I might encounter?
Scott B.
The keys to overcoming any objections a potential employer may have to your educational background are 1) realizing a bias may exist during the screening and interview, and 2) carefully crafting key messages that will help you overcome potential stereotypes.
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How To Handle ‘Behavioral Interviews’: Learn how to better answer those tough questions about “real-life” job experiences. Leveraging Outplacement Support: Don’t wait until the axe falls; proactively seeking outplacement support. Handling The ‘Salary Requirements’ Question Tips For Successful Job Interviews: Shake the rust off those interviewing skills. Follow-up Calls To Recruiters: Tips for executives on improving their relationships with recruiters.
ExecuNet, an online career services center for executives. Questions can be sent to Dave at deardave@execunet.com, he can’t answer each individually but look for yours in an upcoming column. |