Monday, February 10, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Mike Elgan

Mike Elgan

Mike Elgan is an American journalist, blogger, columnist, and podcaster. He is a columnist for publications including Computerworld, Cult of Android, Cult of Mac, Forbes, Datamation, eWeek, and Baseline.

Why Online Product Placement Is a Good Thing

I hate product placement in movies and TV shows. If you're unfamiliar with the term, product placement is a form...

How the Blogosphere Killed the Press Conference

While nobody was looking, the Internet, the blogosphere and the Twitosphere have rendered the old-fashioned press conference obsolete. Don't...

Social Networking: What Are ‘Friends’ For?

Social networking is huge and growing. Some people don't "get it." Others participate, but reluctantly. And, of course, still...

Put Your Writing on the Twitter Diet

Obesity is rampant. And I'm not talking about body flab. I'm talking about obesity of language. Much of what we...

‘Green’ Gadgets? Or Greenwashing?

The consumer electronics industry is finally discovering what other industries have known for a long time: "Green" products sell....

Why ‘Cloud Computing’ Is For the Birds

Everybody is talking about "cloud computing," the latest and most problematic major buzzword to plague IT jargon. Here's why...

What If China’s Orwellian Olympics Succeeds?

By the end of the Olympic games, we'll know whether the Chinese government's unprecedented application of state-of-the-art...

What’s Wrong With Microsoft’s ‘Mojave Experiment’?

The conventional wisdom about Microsoft Windows Vista is that it's a mixed bag, and generally inferior to Windows XP....

Why Apple and China are Simply Incompatible

The Beijing Olympics begin in two weeks. But for Apple, the China games have already begun. The company opened...

Has Apple Lost Its Mojo?

Think of Apple, and elegant, minimalist product design comes to mind. But the less-glamorous unseen force behind the products...