Saturday, September 7, 2024
Home Authors Posts by Mike Elgan

Mike Elgan

Mike Elgan is an American journalist, blogger, columnist, and podcaster. He is a columnist for publications including Computerworld, Cult of Android, Cult of Mac, Forbes, Datamation, eWeek, and Baseline.

Will iPhone Problems End Apple’s Winning Streak?

Apple's in trouble. The company depends on iPhone revenue for growth. But the iPhone isn't growing. The competition is. Growth by...

The Real Reason iPad is ‘Better than a Computer’

Apple says the iPad Pro is "better than a computer." (That's an interesting claim to make for a company that...

Why Samsung Should Dominate Home Automation

The coming explosion in home automation, which is the consumer dimension of the Internet of Things revolution, is going...

How Apple Pay Makes Life Better for Non-Users

 Apple Pay, which is the long-awaited Apple mobile payment system the company rolled out this week, will...

Revolutionary New App Replaces All Business Communication

The creator of Lotus Notes launched a new communication app this week. Former Lotus, IBM and Microsoft executive...

When Customer Dissatisfaction Is a Tech Business Model

A new trend has emerged where technology companies have realized that abusing and harassing users pays big....

Security, the Edward Snowden Way

Whether you think NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden is a hero or a traitor, you have to admit:...

Android Wear: Way Better Than You Think

Google’s Android Wear operating system got very real last week. Google executives demonstrated the platform to 6,000...

Why Wearables Are Coming Into Fashion

Apple’s rumored acquisition talks with Beats Electronics got the tech snobs talking. Beats is best known for headphones...

Listen Up! Hearable Computing Is the Next Big Thing!

I believe the next big thing in computing is the audio interface. Call it hearable computing. Hearable computing...