Tuesday, February 11, 2025

System Administration: Script to Execute/Kill Remote Applications

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Author:Darron Nesbitt
Platform: Windows NT, Windows 2000
Type: VBScript

DESCRIPTION: These two scripts utilize WMI to connect to and run or kill an application on a remote PC. The scripts will run on Windows 2000 or Windows NT.

Execute Remote App script:

This script when executed prompts for the following:

Remote computer’s name

Path to application that will be executed on the remote computer

Path to directory Application resides in

Onces succesfully started a process id will be returned along with the process owner.

Kill Remote App script:

This script when executed prompts for the following:

Remote computer’s name

Process ID of the application to kill

Download the script.
Scroll down to view the script.


'*		This script is for executing an application on a remote
'*		computer running Win2K or WinNT w/WMI installed.
'*		Author: Darron Nesbitt
'*		Date: 	7/10/2001

Dim strComputerName ' The Computer Name to be queried via WMI
Dim strWinMgt		' The WMI management String

On Error Resume Next

'get computer's name or ip address
strComputerName = ucase(InputBox("Enter the remote computers name or IP","Computer Name/IP"))
AppPath = ucase(InputBox("Enter path to application:" & VBCRLF & VBCRLF & "Example:C:WINNTSYSTEM32Calc.exe","Application Path"))
WorkingDirectory = ucase(InputBox("Enter path to application directory" & VBCRLF & VBCRLF &  "Example: C:WINNTSYSTEM32","Application Working Directory"))
strWinMgt = "winmgmts://" & strComputerName & ""

' Get Computer/User Info
 Set CompSysSet = GetObject(strWinMgt).ExecQuery("select * from Win32_ComputerSystem")
 for each CompSys in CompSysSet
 strDescription = CompSys.Description
 strModel= CompSys.Model
 strName= CompSys.Name
			strManufacturer	= CompSys.Manufacturer
			strUserName		= CompSys.UserName

 CompInfo = "Computer Information" & VBCrLf & VBCrLf
 CompInfo = CompInfo & "Computer Name: " & strName & VBTab & "User: " & strUserName & VBCrLf

'connect to processes
Set Process = GetObject(strWinMgt).Get("Win32_Process")

'start app
RetVal = Process.Create (AppPath,WorkingDirectory,null,PID)

'if 0 not returned error
if RetVal  0 then
	MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description & ":" & Err.Number

	'build ProcessInfo string
	Set Processes = GetObject(strWinMgt).ExecQuery("select * from Win32_Process where ProcessID = " & PID)
	for each Process in Processes
		RetVal = Process.GetOwner(strUser,strDomain)
		ProcessInfo = "Name: " & Process.Caption & VBTAB & "ProcessID: " & PID & VBCRLF
		ProcessInfo = ProcessInfo & "Process Owner: " & ucase(strDomain) & "" & ucase(strUser) & VBCRLF

	'display info about computer and process
	RetVal = MsgBox (CompInfo & VBCRLF & VBCRLF & "Application started." & VBCRLF & VBCRLF & _
			 		 	ProcessInfo,VBOKOnly,strComputerName & " - Start Application")
end if

msgbox "Done!!"

'*		This script is for Killing an application on a remote
'*		computer running Win2K or WinNT w/WMI installed. To use you need
'*		the process id of the application.
'*		Author: Darron Nesbitt
'*		Date: 	7/10/2001

Dim strComputerName ' The Computer Name to be queried via WMI
Dim strWinMgt		' The WMI management String

On Error Resume Next

'get computer's name or ip address
strComputerName = ucase(InputBox("Enter the remote computers name or IP","Computer Name/IP"))
PID = InputBox("Enter the applications Process ID","Process ID to Kill")
strWinMgt = "winmgmts://" & strComputerName & ""

' Get Computer/User Info
 Set CompSysSet = GetObject(strWinMgt).ExecQuery("select * from Win32_ComputerSystem")
 for each CompSys in CompSysSet
 strDescription = CompSys.Description
 strModel= CompSys.Model
 strName= CompSys.Name
			strManufacturer	= CompSys.Manufacturer
			strUserName		= CompSys.UserName

 CompInfo = "Computer Information" & VBCrLf & VBCrLf
 CompInfo = CompInfo & "Computer Name: " & strName & VBTab & "User: " & strUserName & VBCrLf

'build ProcessInfo string
Set Processes = GetObject(strWinMgt).ExecQuery("select * from Win32_Process where ProcessID = " & PID)
for each Process in Processes
	RetVal = Process.GetOwner(strUser,strDomain)
	ProcessInfo = "Name: " & Process.Caption & VBTAB & "ProcessID: " & PID & VBCRLF
	ProcessInfo = ProcessInfo & "Process Owner: " & ucase(strDomain) & "" & ucase(strUser) & VBCRLF

	'display info about computer and process
	RetVal = MsgBox (CompInfo & VBCRLF & VBCRLF & "Application to Kill:" & VBCRLF & VBCRLF & _
		 		 	ProcessInfo & VBCRLF & VBCRLF & "Do you want to kill this process?",VBYesNo,strComputerName & " - Kill Application")
	if RetVal = 6 then
		RetVal = Process.Terminate(0)
	end if

'if 0 not returned error
if RetVal  0 then
	MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description & ":" & Err.Number
end if

msgbox "Done!!"

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