Author: Hans van der Zaag
Platform: Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Type: VBScript
DESCRIPTION: This script calculates the size of all subfolders within a specified folder and sorts the data automatically into an Excel workbook. Getfoldersize.vbs is particularly useful when you want to find out which folder takes the highest amount of disk space.
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System Administration: Get Folder Size Script
'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Name: getfoldersize.vbs ' Version: 1.0 ' Date: 7-5-2002 ' Author: Hans van der Zaag ' Description: getfoldersize.vbs calculates the size of all subfolders within ' a folder and sorts this data in an excel workbook ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rootfolder = Inputbox("Enter directory/foldername: " & _ chr(10) & chr(10) & "(i.e. C:Program Files or " & _ "ServernameC$Program Files)" & chr(10) & chr(10), _ "Getfoldersize", "C:Program Files") outputfile = "c:foldersize_" & Day(now) & Month(now) & Year(now) & ".xls" Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") if fso.fileexists(outputfile) then fso.deletefile(outputfile) 'Create Excel workbook set objXL = CreateObject( "Excel.Application" ) objXL.Visible = False objXL.WorkBooks.Add 'Counter 1 for writing in cell A1 within the excel workbook icount = 1 'Run checkfolder CheckFolder (FSO.getfolder(rootfolder)) Sub CheckFolder(objCurrentFolder) For Each objFolder In objCurrentFolder.SubFolders FolderSize = objFolder.Size Tmp = (FormatNumber(FolderSize, 0, , , 0)/1024)/1024 ObjXL.ActiveSheet.Cells(icount,1).Value = objFolder.Path ObjXL.ActiveSheet.Cells(icount,2).Value = Tmp 'Wscript.Echo Tmp & " " & objFolder.Path 'raise counter with 1 for a new row in excel icount = icount + 1 Next 'Recurse through all of the folders For Each objNewFolder In objCurrentFolder.subFolders CheckFolder objNewFolder Next End Sub 'sort data in excel objXL.ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Select objXL.Selection.Sort objXL.Worksheets(1).Range("B1"), _ 2, _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , _ 0, _ 1, _ False, _ 1 'Lay out for Excel workbook objXL.Range("A1").Select objXL.Selection.EntireRow.Insert objXL.Selection.EntireRow.Insert objXL.Selection.EntireRow.Insert objXL.Selection.EntireRow.Insert objXL.Selection.EntireRow.Insert objXL.Columns(1).ColumnWidth = 60 objXL.Columns(2).ColumnWidth = 15 objXL.Columns(2).NumberFormat = "#,##0.0" objXL.Range("B1:B1").NumberFormat = "d-m-yyyy" objXL.Range("A1:B5").Select objXL.Selection.Font.Bold = True objXL.Range("A1:B3").Select objXL.Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 5 objXL.Range("A1:A1").Select objXL.Selection.Font.Italic = True objXL.Selection.Font.Size = 16 ObjXL.ActiveSheet.Cells(1,1).Value = "Survey FolderSize " ObjXL.ActiveSheet.Cells(1,2).Value = Day(now) & "-" & Month(now) & "-"& Year(now) ObjXL.ActiveSheet.Cells(3,1).Value = UCase(rootfolder) ObjXL.ActiveSheet.Cells(5,1).Value = "Folder" ObjXL.ActiveSheet.Cells(5,2).Value = "Total (MB)" 'Finally close the workbook ObjXL.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs(outputfile) ObjXL.Application.Quit Set ObjXL = Nothing 'Message when finished Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Finished = Msgbox ("Script executed successfully, results can be found in " & Chr(10) _ & outputfile & "." & Chr(10) & Chr(10) _ & "Do you want to view the results now?", 65, "Script executed successfully!") if Finished = 1 then WshShell.Run "excel " & outputfile
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