Friday, September 20, 2024

New Groups in AD

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Author: Eugenio Talarico
Platform: Windows

Type: VBScript

DESCRIPTION: You can use to create multiple groups into OU=GROUPS using this line in a batch file:

for /F "tokens=1-2 usebackq delims=;" %%1 in (input.txt) do ( cscript NewGroups.vbs %%1 %%2 //B //Nologo >> err_log.txt 2>>&1 )

The context of the input file is name_of_the_groups;comment

Scroll down to view the script.

''* Create a new groups in an Active Directory Infrastructure
''* Created By Eugenio Talarico - 10/12/2003
''* THe sintax you have to use to run the script is
''* cscript newgroups.vbs NAME_OF_THE_GROUPS 
''* Name_of_the_groups rappresent the groups you need to create
''* WILL CREATED (EX: strVariabl = ",OU=Standard Users,OU=DomainNAME,")
strVariabl = "OU=groups"
''**Start Encode**

dim nome
dim Commento
wscript.echo nome

Set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE")

strFissa = strVariabl & "," & objRootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext")
wscript.echo strFissa

Set objGroup = GetObject _
("LDAP://"& strFissa)

Set objGroup = objGroup.Create ("group", "CN=" & nome)
objGroup.Put "sAMAccountName", nome
ObjGroup.Put "Description", commento

Sub ParseCommandLine()
Dim vArgs

set vArgs = WScript.Arguments

if vArgs.Count  2 then 
nome = vArgs(0)
commento = vArgs(1)
End if
End Sub

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