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Data Classification Policy: Components, Examples & Free Template

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A data classification policy establishes a standardized approach to organizing and handling enterprise data by outlining explicit criteria for categorizing, managing, and securing critical data assets within the organization. Data is categorized based on various characteristics to reinforce data security, aid regulatory compliance, and enable efficient data management.

This process typically includes identifying and categorizing data types and implementing security measures accordingly. A data classification policy offers a structured framework for this effort to help companies comply with regulations, cut costs, manage risks, and maintain data integrity.

Data Classification Policy Template

Our data classification policy template offers a logical approach for effectively managing and protecting your organization’s data assets. We created it as a shortcut to get you started on your own—make a copy and customize and adapt the sections as needed to align with your specific business requirements and regulatory obligations. Add, remove, or modify it to fit your organization’s unique needs and priorities as detailed in this guide.

8 Basic Components of a Data Classification Policy

A comprehensive data classification policy is made up of eight critical components that collectively form a cohesive framework for managing and safeguarding valuable data assets. Each step is essential as it provides clear guidelines and procedures for data classification, handling, and protection. Following these steps in order ensures a systematic approach to data management, promoting consistency and reliability across the organization.


This introduction to the objectives of your data classification policy stresses the role of data classification in preserving the confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility of data assets throughout the organization.

Overview section.
Fig. A – Overview


This section delves deeper into the goals of your policy, emphasizing the need to establish a standardized approach to classify data based on its sensitivity level. It highlights the policy’s role in mitigating risks associated with unauthorized access, disclosure, or loss of data.

Purpose section.
Fig. B – Purpose


The scope defines the boundaries and applicability of the data classification policy, specifying which data assets and personnel are covered. It clarifies the policy’s reach across various departments, systems, and locations within your organization.

Scope section.
Fig. C – Scope

Roles and Responsibilities

This section outlines the responsibilities of key stakeholders involved in managing and protecting data assets. It delineates their specific functions in determining data sensitivity, implementing security measures, and adhering to established classification guidelines.

Fig. D - Roles and Responsibilities
Fig. D – Roles and Responsibilities

Data Handling and Transmission

This section of the data classification policy establishes protocols for securely managing and transmitting data to block unauthorized access or disclosure. It highlights using encryption, secure transfer protocols, and data-masking techniques to protect data during transmission.

Fig. E - Data Handling and Transmission
Fig. E – Data Handling and Transmission

Data Classification Procedure

This section details the process for categorizing data based on its sensitivity level. It includes criteria for determining each classification level.

Fig. F - Data Classification and Procedure
Fig. F – Data Classification and Procedure

Data Retention and Disposal

This section lays out guidelines to ensure that data is retained only for as long as necessary and securely disposed of when no longer needed. It addresses legal and regulatory requirements governing data retention periods and disposal methods.

Fig. G - Data Retention and Disposal
Fig. G – Data Retention and Disposal

Impact Level Determination Table

The impact level determination table presents a blueprint for gauging the potential effect of data breaches based on confidentiality, integrity, and availability considerations. It helps you prioritize security measures based on the severity of potential impacts.

Impact Level Determination Table section.
Fig. H – Impact Level Determination Table

Policy Acknowledgement

The Policy Acknowledgement section formalizes your employees’ understanding of, agreement with, and commitment to comply with the policy’s provisions; signed forms are submitted for record-keeping. This ensures organizational accountability and adherence to data security protocols.

Policy Acknowledgement section.
Fig. I – Policy Acknowledgement

Additional Data Classification Policy Sections

Aside from the core components of a data classification policy, there are several sections you may add to create thorough policy to help ensure the successful execution of your data management strategies.

  • Exceptions: Addresses circumstances where deviations from the policy may be permitted—consider including it if your organization frequently encounters exceptions or special cases that warrant flexibility in data handling.
  • Violations: Describes the consequences of policy violations to promote adherence to data security protocols.
  • Incident Response and Reporting: Establishes procedures for reporting and responding to data security incidents to minimize the impact of breaches. Given the importance of incident response, you may include it in your data classification policy if it’s not part of your broader cybersecurity framework.
  • Access Control/Authentication: These mechanisms are critical for protecting data from unauthorized access.
  • Monitoring and Audit: Monitoring and auditing data access and usage help detect and mitigate security risks.
  • Training and Awareness: Essential for educating employees about overall data management best practices.
  • Compliance and Legal Requirements: Details relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards—General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), for example.
  • Data Sharing/Vendor Management: Covers guidelines for securely sharing data with third parties and managing vendor relationships.
  • Policy Approval and Review: Details procedures for policy approval and regular review to ensure your policy remains up-to-date and effective and prepare your organization for continuous improvement and adaptation to changing circumstances.
  • Revision History: Tracks changes to the policy over time and brings transparency regarding updates; may not be critical for understanding policy content, but can be valuable for governance and accountability purposes.

Create a Data Classification Policy: 8 Key Steps

Developing a solid data classification policy can help you safeguard valuable enterprise information. To build a meticulous policy, you must follow a clear process that ensures data is sorted, managed, and secured according to important rules and requirements. The following are the essential steps to help you create an actionable data classification policy:

Steps to Create a Data Classification Policy
Steps to Create a Data Classification Policy
  1. Assess your Data: Identify and inventory all data assets within your organization, including their sensitivity and criticality.
  2. Define Data Classification Levels: Establish a clear criteria for categorizing data based on sensitivity, criticality, and regulatory requirements.
  3. Assign Ownership: Designate responsible individuals or teams as data owners to oversee the classification and protection of data assets.
  4. Develop Policies and Procedures: Create comprehensive policies and procedures that dictate how enterprise data should be classified, handled, transmitted, and disposed of safely.
  5. Educate Employees: Provide training and awareness programs to ensure all staff members understand their roles and responsibilities in implementing the data classification policy.
  6. Enforce Controls: Deploy appropriate technical and administrative controls to administer data classification guidelines and protect sensitive information.
  7. Monitor Compliance: Regularly monitor and audit data handling practices to ensure compliance with the policy and identify any areas for improvement.
  8. Review and Update: Periodically review and update your data classification policy to reflect changes in business processes, technology, or regulatory requirements.

Real Data Classification Policy Examples We Like

Many organizations choose to share their data classification policies publicly to demonstrate their commitment to protecting sensitive information and building trust with stakeholders. Here are some with unique components that we thought met the assignment and set a good example for other organizations to follow.

University of Kansas

The University of Kansas’ Data Classification and Handling Policy gives a set of guidelines that governs how university data, in any form, is handled by employees and other covered individuals. This data classification policy example mandates the classification of all university information into three levels:

  • Level I – Confidential Information
  • Level II – Sensitive Information
  • Level III – Public Information

These levels ensure that sensitive and confidential information is adequately protected, maintaining data integrity and security. This policy has a Consequences section that specifies repercussions for non-compliance, which helps encourage individuals to comply with guidelines to avoid disciplinary action and underscores the seriousness of the policy.

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

The Data Classification and Handling Policy of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine outlines four levels of data classification—public, internal, confidential, and highly confidential—and prescribes handling procedures for each. The sample data classification policy assigns data owners the responsibility of labeling data, applies to all data formats, and promotes consistent data management and efficient processing and prevents breaches. This policy features a valuable Disposal section that guides the secure disposal of data—preventing unauthorized access or leaks, making sure that information is irretrievable post-disposal.

Boston University

Boston University’s data classification policy categorizes university data into three categories: public, internal, confidential, and restricted use. The policy, applicable to data in all formats, aims to safeguard data, define protection measures, and ensure uniform data management across the institution.

This particular data classification policy presents clear data classification levels detailing the sensitivity of various data types, guiding the application of appropriate security measures. This not only ensures stringent protection for sensitive data but also aids in regulatory compliance and resource allocation.

Maine State Government Office of Information Technology

The State of Maine’s Office of Information Technology’s data classification policy presents a methodology for classifying state data assets to protect them from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, alteration, loss, or deletion. The policy emphasizes the significance of accurate classification in implementing suitable security controls, supporting each agency’s mission cost-effectively and maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.

The classification worksheets included this data policy streamline the correct assessment of the impact of data on confidentiality, integrity, and availability. As a result, the organization can apply appropriate security measures for each data classification type and guarantee that sensitive data is handled with utmost care.

Benefits of Having a Data Classification Policy

Having a data classification policy helps you identify which enterprise data needs more protection and which can be shared more freely. By setting clear standards for how to handle different types of data within your business, you can gain several benefits.

Increased Customer Trust

Showing a commitment to protecting sensitive data can boost  customer trust and loyalty and serve as a magnet for attracting new customers. By proving your dedication to data protection, you can elevate customer satisfaction and retention rates.

Enhanced Business Continuity

By establishing well-defined procedures for data management and protection, your organization can mitigate the disruptions caused by security incidents and data breaches and enhance business continuity.

Streamlined Data Management

A clear data classification policy simplifies data management processes, accelerating the organization, access, and retrieving information when needed. This raises productivity and efficiency among data users and stakeholders.

Stronger Data Security

By categorizing data based on how sensitive it is, you can use different security measures to protect important information well. This lowers the chance of data breaches, unauthorized access, or disclosure that can cause financial and reputational damage.

Cost Savings

You can optimize your organization’s security measures and resource allocation by classifying data according to its significance and risk level. This way, you can focus your efforts on defending your most valuable assets and save money on appropriate security controls. You can make sure that you allocate adequate resources without overspending or underspending on specialized security solutions.

Compliance with Regulations

A data classification policy helps you comply with regulatory requirements by making sure that private data is treated according to relevant laws and regulations. This prevents fines, lawsuits, and reputational harm that can come from non-compliance.

Better Data Governance

Establishing clear guidelines for data management promotes consistency and accountability in data governance practices, improving data reliability, accuracy, and availability. This, in turn, supports effective data-driven decision-making throughout your organization.

Bottom Line: Every Enterprise Needs a Data Classification Policy

Using a robust data classification policy is indispensable for organizations of all sizes. No matter what field you’re in, protecting sensitive data is a key part of running a modern business. A well-crafted data classification policy can empower your organization to make informed decisions about data handling, storage, and access.

Our data classification policy template serves as a guide to help you prioritize your security measures based on the sensitivity and criticality of your enterprise data and minimize the impact of security breaches. The template includes fundamental sections to ensure meticulous attention to every aspect of data classification, making sure that each individual involved understands their responsibilities. It provides a framework so you can construct your unique data classification policies, fostering a strong foundation for data security and compliance.

Make a copy of our template to use as a reference, or configure it to fit your organization’s specific requirements, risk profile, and priorities.

Read our picks for the best data classification software tools today to find out which names you can trust and optimize your data management processes with industry-leading tools.

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