Saturday, January 18, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Susan Kuchinskas

Susan Kuchinskas

Piecing Together The Sun Google Puzzle

Amid feverish speculation, on Oct 4, Google and Sun Microsystems announced they would work together to promote the Java...

Flock Browser Released

Does the world need another browser? Flock, a Palo Alto startup, thinks ''social browsing'' makes the difference. A preview...

Study Sees RFID Savings For Wal-Mart

RFID could make for happier Wal-Mart shoppers, a study showed. University researchers found a 16 percent reduction in so-called...

Microsoft in Open Source Partnership

Microsoft and JBoss announced a cooperation agreement on Tuesday in what is Microsoft's first official embrace of open source....

Podcasting For The People

In just a year, blogging went from a preoccupation of the technorati to a mass medium. Podcasting is set...

Truth Time for Microsoft at PDC

Microsoft has been talking about Longhorn, the next generation of Windows, since its last Professional Developers Conference in 2003....

Stakes High in Google Injunction Hearing

Microsoft and Google squared off in Washington State court Tuesday about whether Kai-Fu Lee's work at Google would violate...

Say It Ain’t So, Yahoo

An independent spyware analyst is accusing Yahoo (Quote, Chart) of supporting spyware companies by distributing Yahoo Search Marketing ads...

Now, You’re Google-Talking on IM

Google ended a year of speculation on Wednesday, announcing a VoIP-enabled instant messaging client. The voice-enabled IM service actually...

Call for Vendor-Neutral E-Copyright

Tim Berners-Lee, director of the World Wide Web Consortium and inventor of the Web, spoke out late Monday against...