Friday, September 20, 2024
Home Authors Posts by Bruce Byfield

Bruce Byfield

Bruce Byfield (born May 13, 1958) is a Canadian journalist who specializes in writing about free and open source software. He has been a contributing editor at, and his articles have appeared on the Datamation, LWN, Linux Developer Network, and LinuxPlanet sites.

Setting Up the Ideal Linux Desktop

Comment at the bottom of this page: what are your choices for the best Linux desktop? I confess:...

The Secret Lives of Ubuntu and Debian Users

Using free and open source software (FOSS), advocates like to say, is not a popularity contest. It's... vs. Go-OO: Cutting through the Gordian Knot

Is (OOo), the popular free office application, "a...

Linux in 2009: Recession vs. GNU

Pundits and business executives alike are predicting gloomy economic times for 2009. But when the talk turns...

The Reluctant Lawsuit: The FSF Pursues Its Claim Against Cisco

Cisco Systems is a gold member of the Linux Foundation, the non-profit association "dedicated to fostering the...

The Future Facelift of

"The mission statement: Create a User Interface so that becomes the users' choice not only out...

KDE 4.2: Codenamed Caterpillar, Promising a Butterfly

If the first beta of KDE 4.2 is any indication, then the final release of the popular...

Proprietary Firmware and the Pursuit of a Free Kernel

Knowing when a GNU/Linux distribution is free used to be simple. If all its software had licenses...

Fedora 10: the GNU/Linux Desktop Steps Forward

Any release of a GNU/Linux distribution marks a milestone in a continuous cycle of software development. However,...

Business vs. FOSS: Six Pressure Points

The question of whether business can co-exist with free and open source software (FOSS) was settled long...