Friday, September 20, 2024
Home Authors Posts by Larry Marion

Larry Marion

Cloud Business Intelligence: Topping 50 Percent Adoption by 2014

The cloud–based Business Intelligence juggernaut is picking up speed. The financial reports of vendors plus a new survey by...

Sales Data Analytics: Momentum Keeps Building

Sick of those emails and telephone calls from sales people "following up" on a vendor-provided white paper you downloaded...

Business Intelligence Adoption: Gaining Ground

New technologies and business imperatives are about to drive much deeper use of business intelligence and analytics tools, posing...

Real Time BI is Right Time BI

Maybe five or six years ago I first heard business intelligence vendors try to explain that not...

Solving the Mobile BI Puzzle: Which Environment?

Given all the negative noise about the new Windows 8 user interface for desktops and tablets (and the less...

Big Data Challenges: Business Analytics Pain Points Persist

Amid all the hoopla over the power of Big Data to digest the gut-busting flow of data from web...

Data Analytics: Advanced Roll-Out is Accelerating

Amid all the talk (from me and other business intelligence and analytics watchers) about end user departments – finance,...

BI Goes Wild: Business Intelligence Becoming Ubiquitous

If you were wondering if other IT pros also had been getting more “help me” calls from BI users...

Embedded Business Intelligence: Beware The Traps

Hardly a day goes by that I don't see another case study, white paper, research report, or...

Data Visualization Rescues the Math-Phobic

Math phobia drives me nuts. We all know there are lots of former English majors in the marketing...