Thursday, February 6, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Ray Everett-Church

Ray Everett-Church

Security Watch: Obama on Privacy

Amid new disclosures of rampant eavesdropping on Americans, including revelations of a Nixon-like list of reporters and anti-war activists...

McColo and the Difficulty of Fighting Spam

It may be a truism that “little things mean a lot,” but in the world of spam, flipping a...

Spam, Free Speech and the Founding Fathers

In its decision last month to strike down their state’s anti-spam statute, the Virginia Supreme Court also threw out...

The Hassle of iPhone Passwords

The first step to recovery, they say, is to admit that you have a problem. So the ability to...

How To Get Your Email Past Clients’ Spam Filter

With growth rates of spam, phishing, and email-borne malware showing no signs of abating, more and more ISPs and...

Web Ad Firm Learns People Don’t Like Spying

The last couple of weeks have been pretty bad for the folks over at the behavioral targeting and advertising...

Emailers Still Struggling with Authentication

This month's Authentication and Online Trust Alliance (AOTA) Summit in Seattle showed how far the industry has come in...

The FTC’s New Spam Rules: Sender Beware

After four years of drafts and discussions, the Federal Trade Commission has approved the Final Rule –...