Thursday, September 12, 2024
Home Authors Posts by Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols

Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols

HP Finally Offers Pre-Installed Desktop Linux

For years, HP has been slowly edging towards releasing a pre-installed Linux for general users. This week, the company...

Will a Linux Certification Help You Get a Linux Job?

Will a Linux certification help you get a Linux job? The answer is: "Probably." There are a host...

OpenSUSE Starts Steering its Own Course

It's not easy for a Linux company to let go the reins of control over its community...

Master of Your Mail Domain

Your street address doesn't change unless you move, but your e-mail address is another story. It can change at an...

Stop Spam Soon

End users have it easy with spam. They only have to delete a few hundred messages a...

Understanding and Preventing DDoS Attacks

It was in early 2000 that most people became aware of the dangers of distributed denial of...

Stopping Spam at the Gateway

I hate spam. You hate spam. We all hate spam. But none of us hate spam...

IBM, Industry Respond to New SCO Threats

It's no longer just about IBM. SCO has now officially declared war on all business Linux users. SCO announced...

From NT Domain to Server 2003 Active Directory

If you believed Microsoft a few years back, Active Directory was the answer to all your network...

Affordable Gigabit Arrives

You've been thinking about Gigabit Ethernet for a long time now, haven't you? Perhaps you've even...