Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Home Authors Posts by Rob Reilly

Rob Reilly

Kick Start Your Asus Notebook: 64-bit Kubuntu

I'm an old-school horsepower junkie. Brute acceleration when I push down on a gas pedal, monster trucks,...

Adventures In External Media With Kubuntu

My new ASUS X83-VM laptop has a very capable, whisper-quiet 320 GB SATA drive. For some...

Put The Power of Linux Into Your Business

Do you realize how much value is packed into each and every distribution of Linux? Nothing short of phenomenal....

Sectoo–A Live Look at Gentoo

Live Linux CDs are popping up all over the place. Mainstream distributions like SimplyMEPIS let you try...

Must-Haves For The Linux Road Warrior

Network-centric services are connecting users to some truly valuable data. For the price of a computer,...

Blue Security’s Do Not Intrude Registry

Spam seems to have no bounds. Most people set up some type of filter to weed out the bad...