Thursday, October 3, 2024
Home Authors Posts by Brian Proffitt

Brian Proffitt

Enterprise Unix Roundup: One Direction for Post-Enterprise Unix

Since much of my job involves wandering around the Internet looking for news, I often find off-the-wall things that...

Enterprise Unix Roundup: Disruption in the OS Market? Hardly

Perhaps you've been unsettled by the singular message of change espoused by every U.S. Presidential candidate this election season;...

Enterprise Unix Roundup: Serving Up OS X

Want to get a heated debate going? Just ask Linux advocates (myself included): Why is Linux not popular on...

Enterprise Unix Roundup: OpenSolaris, Farm Team or Big League?

It should be clarified that neither of these teams are what we in America term "major league." Both are...

Enterprise Unix Roundup: HP, Our Unix is Easier to Use

Last week, I made mention that things in Unix-land were getting a bit abrasive, particularly between the big three:...

Enterprise Unix Roundup: Battle Thunderclouds On the Horizon

With Spring finally arriving in the Midwest, a young man's fancy turns to — well, never mind, because I...

Enterprise Unix Roundup: Oracle Breaks Out ClusterWare

Oracle Corporation is one of those companies that simultaneously has a huge presence in the IT world yet remains...

Enterprise Unix Roundup: EU vs. Microsoft vs. IBM

Over on IT Jungle, I just read an interesting story about how Microsoft is (by proxy) cleverly using...

Making OpenSolaris More Accessible

Telling the story of Project Indiana is not an easy one. The Sun Microsystems initiative, designed to create a binary-compatible...